Holy crap its been awhile since I updated. I almost forgot that I even had a blog. I've been sucked into the facebook vortex... and dismally was led into the black abyss. So as most of you who actually read the junk that I put on here most likely read or are updated .. caught up, hooked up or whatever on facebook; I suppose its just repeat. For some who havent discovered the wonders of it all.. then I say good for you as you have more of a life than me. so sad. We had an excellent camping adveture may long! posted pics are already up and circulating. And we defenitely need to start planning the next one. Kent and I should both have our boats built and ready to float for the next time around. Any suggestions as where to go or where it'll be in the same area as next time. Just so long as this time I get to fish it should all be good. Ultimate bocce was definately a great game... most likely the best ever invented!