Monday, March 26, 2007

Awaken the sleeping Dragon

Well, it has come to pass that one Kent Lipsett and one Owen McKelvie have started (at least in my head) their very cool and crazy adventure. As to what events will unfold and to what extent remains to be seen. My mom has cautioned me not to get into trouble (she fears we will end somehow in prison over there.... and maybe rightly so). But what ever the outcome of the ramblings of us two high spirited adventurers, we will capture as much as possible onto film to share with the rest of you poor folk who are not able to make it. I have been informed by a reliable source that we will be picked up by our Chauffeur and wisked off to our very expensive hotel... (approx 500 CAN a night... but for us... free). Then he is going to take us to a nice restuarant that even with both our spending money could not afford... then to rest up in the sauna to shake off the jet lag... maybe some nice cold beer. aahhhh... so this is vacation.... time to let my weary bones rest and drown my parched tongue with refreshment.
in my spare time i'll try my best to email and update you poor sobs as best i can... but then again... it may just wait till i return...

Thursday, March 22, 2007


well, as the date that i leave for prague is drwing near, 5 more days, I'm begining to wonder or at least becoming more curious as to the details of the trip. I know kent won the trip legitately, and it is their pilot program for this sort of thing. we now know our flight number and have our tickets... we've been told we're being picked up at the airport and taken to ... where? We're not to sure yet... and they're taken out a life insurance policy for us.... but who is the benificiary? them? I wonder if they just figure buying cheap tickets for foreigners and flying them over there to kock them off and collect the insurance money may not be far fetched. So if the ride looks like a run down lada or an oversized limo... Looks like I'm bringing the tomahawk after all. Why did I have to watch hostel? and why are we staying at one? and a curious one at that. Well whatever the case is, we have over 7 hours of film. So even if we get tortured to death at least we can make use of the video camera and have a momento to send to you all to enjoy. Cheers! Nazdravi!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

new sport

Well, my thanks to my good friend Joel, i have been introduced to a new sport (at least to me) of crickett. After you get by the unusual (and ofter made up on the fly) rules, it is quite an enjoyable game. I found once i got the hang of it I even nocked over the wicket whilst the Canadian born international cricket player Joel Kinvig was up to bat. Lucky hit... maybe. But we'll have to have another match to find out.
Also, i guess one of the guys i work wit got fired.. so now there's only 2 if us again. kent I'm trying to get you a job for the time being. I's all good though. We arent running off our feet like we will this summer i know.
Golf... maybe... this sunday everyone who can make it. There might be 3 of us... but if everyone can, then its more like 20.... so maybe let me know so we can book tee times

Saturday, March 17, 2007

OUT! drat

Out of guinness!? on st. Patrick's Day!? whats going on here? There realy can't be that many Irish people in this town. Every other day of the year Guinness is plentiful as water 9as it should be). But this one day a year every other person who normally cannot handle it decides to go and try it. Listen all you SOB's stick with your watery bud and canadian or kokanee and let the real men drink the good stuff. Most of you smoke anyhow and have no taste buds to appreciate its great taste. so next time you get a stupid idea in your head... just leave it there.
happy St. Patricks Day

Friday, March 16, 2007

11 and counting!

only 11 more days till i'm outa here for a bit of R&R in the Czech Republic with my good friend Kent. Lots to do before now and then. Work, and then more work. Planningand arranging, and of course the mad last minute packing as usual. There's nothing like getting to a destination and find out you're missing all the stuff you need and have way too much stuff that isn't needed at all. Too bad the rest of you can't tag along. such is the bread of everyday life.

Where neither love nor hatred is in the game, a woman's game is mediocre - Niezsche

Sunday, March 11, 2007

time flyin by

Well first week of a new job... 4th in under a year... new record i suppose. At any rate it went very well I must say, getting to drive company truck, cat and having a nice boss for once. So hopefully htings progress and it all works out.
In other news, yesterday was my youngest, Roan's, second bday. We kept it small with some family that came over for cake and coffee. And of course sebass, happy birthday as well. sorry I couldn't make the movie. Apparently I was needed at the hockey awards to see Gage recieve his trophies. Finally last week of hockey! what the heck I will do with all my free time I dont know. Although soccer and swimming lessons start soon, then of course baseball. and then summer hockey camp.
So now getting prepped to go to prague... 16 days left... wow, its sort of creeping up on me. Time is most definately flyin by.
Now i finally after a few weeks of frustrations and figuring out how to hook up my stereo and waiting to get speakers that worked... i finally have a kick ass and also functional stereo system in my truck! and not only that it all together cost me less than $50. Not to shabby.
T%hanks to everyone who contributed and helped in the process...

Sunday, March 04, 2007

next day...

second day of it...
No where to go at 2 in the morning but Joels garage...until he kicked us out....
So it ended up back at my place and we stopped counting after 5 in the morning. All in all a good weekend to reminise over the good old times and make some new memories. Just another chapter in five friends; sorry Andrew, Mark and Jim you guys missed it, who've been brothers for over a decade.... some of us even longer. so no matter what happens boys you'll always be welcome in my house... especially if there's beer involved. It is nice a few of you have smarted up and started to move back here. Definately has helped keep my sanity... whats left of it.
It was cool even though some haven't seen each other in a few years we can just start where we left off last time as if high school was yesterday and nothing else mattered.

excellent weekend

Well, Transition time once again. Finished work at brent view, start landscaping at St. andrews by the lake monday. Of course this weekend we needed to polish off the second keg that sebass has wonderfully provided. With keg stands, partying with all the old school crowd and then hitting martinis only to realise we had missed the UFC fight and then worked our way to dance up a storm at the Blue mule. Us five drunken idiots (well I wsn't as I was DD) we had a great time bumping into but here are the pics of the first night... Rob email me more as you took many many more.... i have a few video that only priviliged people will see.