Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Why were aviator glasses invented?

To protect the sun from Chuck Norris, of course. Well, I have just clued into the fact that it is fall now and in a few weeks it will be snowing most likely. It is too bad as fall is my favorite season and it seems to be flying by and me struggling to keep up. I love fall not just for the hunting but for the colours, cosiness, and just being outside soaking it all in. Today i worked on my truck, as every rendeck should. Yesterday being one of the worst day of my life, getting stuck in penticton, battery dying, no wipers in the rain, truck leaking, locked out, etc. So today I fixed all these problems and now its like driving a new truck again. I realise this has made me look even more like an apparent redneck working on trucks, blue coller work again. I have also come to the realization that I'm a lousy hunter, when it comes to deer anyway, coyote, rabbit, grouse seem to land in my lap. I have not filled a deer tag to date, depressing I know. It occured to me, sitting very cold under a bush for protection from the freezing rain and wind that my mysterious cervid friend was spotted just as much from the cosy confines of my truck. Other smaller fair game are fine to trapse around in the woods in pursuit of, but more and more it seems, well a nicer way to hunt deer from the truck... I suppose I reasoned that every one else seems to be able to do it, why shouldnt I? Well this does not bode well in the fact it has the distinct image of a typical redneck trait branded all over me; truck hunting that is. But as my friend sebastian and i have talked over, we started down that slippery slope when we both decided to go to alberta and work on the rigs. Initially our cars; my ford 'red rocket' and sebass's VW 'poncho' (now both deceased) were more than adaquate. In fact now that we drive the very vehicles that we made so much fun of whilst in the flat land are now the very ones we drive. These factors have seemed to have an impact on the appearance of redneckednes. There still may be a tune of AFI or NOFX or Guttermouth in the air but now it is mixed with the corb lund band and the likes (well at least they were once punk to, but it seems rigs change that). In parting (before I go do some paking lot drinkin) here is a picture of my lawn gnome (what redneck do you know of that takes pictures of his lawn gnome? or owns one for that matter?) Well know you can say that you know of one.


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