Saturday, September 30, 2006


Just got back (well a while ago... but it takes me a while just to write aout it) from another hunting trip..... This time with Geoff and John. And of course with my new truck which we decided needed to be broken in properly. So some 4-bying and stalking of animals that used the roads instead of following us into the bush. So needless to say we never did get a deer, bear, moose... except one very... no... very, very dead squirrel that just wasn't going to play nice and be quiet. It was a quick death and only took approx. dozen rounds of .44 mag, one slug from the .410, along with 3 #4 shot, and of course 9 rounds of 12 gauge feild loads. tough buggers, but in the end all were satisfied. We tracked and spotted some motor bikers but decided that without the hunting synopsis we could not determine whether they were in season or not.. as well as the regional bag limit... or if even if legal to do so in a provincial park. Alas most hunting was postponed due to reckless driving and heavy drinking. But still a good time was had by all.
So here is a pic of the last hunting trip of the 4 grouse. I wont post the pics of the chattery squirrel as it was... ummm... messy.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I finally... well sort of... bought a truck today. I put a down payment and filled out the sales agreement anyway.... I just need to go pick it up at the end of the week. It used to be an old CN rail work truck. great shape and runs awesome! f250 big block 351 V8, 4x4, supercab, its definately a beast but I'll love it anyway. I need a seat cover as the old seat is starting to go. and a tape deck (cd player) or something for tunes. Some fog lights and hitch, roll bar and a little lift kit with some meater tires on it and she'll be good to go... I think I'll call her Big Red. I cant wait to get it home! I'd really like to for the weekend hunt but it still needs to go through the shop for an inspection and tune up, minor repairs, etc... before I actually buy it. But if everything works out as well as I hope it should be ready by friday. Heres a pic for all to ogle

Monday, September 25, 2006

strip, sheet, paper... repeat

Finished all but shingling now taking forever at work. Thanks kent for the pics... I'll have to get mine onto the computer first to email them to you. I didnt get very many either. here's me around our small campfire. I'll post some dead animals soon.
Kids driving me crazy... but going to test drive a truck tomorrow... only 3800. maybe I'll just put it on my mastercard. I'll need to do some modifications but over all its exactly what I've been looking for.

Sunday, September 24, 2006


Wicked weekend kent! It was exactly what I needed. Though we didnt get our deer. We managed to bring in 4 grouse, even though there were many more... It was all I needed. From just sitting around the campfire staring at the stars, to the thrill of just being out hunting and back in the bush. All in all a good weekend. Looking like almost every weekend this fall will be like that so a lot to look forward to. Looking at a truck this week.... which got me thinking... I'm turning into a redneck! WTF? what happened here? raises a lot of questions about myself. never thought I'd be a redneck though. sad in a way, but whatever. I am who I am, I dont think I'll ever change the real me.... hahahaha. Looking forward to seeing friends roll into town soon, Geoff and John, we ARE going hunting next weekend... Sebass you back the weekend after that? Joel... sometime in Dec? good times.
Well, back to work tomorrow... bought most of my own tools now. Almost all set.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Finally the week has ended!

Well, now it is friday night . All packed for the hunting trip. Kent is sick... you sick bastard. But hopefully that won't ruin anything, just dont make me sick either. so wait and stop being impatient fo the pics whenever I come back... If I ever come back. Sebass hurry up and come back here to go hunting. Earl I'll still look into that side by side 12 gauge. I know there are a few around town. Rich always seems to find something for a good deal when it comes to guns. Dont worry it'll be legit.

In other news its my bday on the 29th. depressingly turning 27, I still need to figure out what I'm supposed to do with my life. I'm good at killing things... but is there a job description I can fit that into?... well thats legal anyway.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Just a thought

Well, today more rain, less work, more thinking. I've now added up all the material and labour costs involved with work and now just need to know the quote or full price ammount. If its worth it I'll have my own roofing business and enough with sub contracting. But first to work out numbers. At least now I know what I am doing in regards to buying tools and supplies and learning how to qoute. As numerous people ask why I just dont do all of it myself and not work under another company name. I asked myself the same question... looking into it. But there is always headaches with owning ones own business. In other news I'll be off this weekend for some fun and adventure in hunting the great white north, so to speak. I may have a truck before the weekend is out but more likely we'll still use your truck this weekend Kent. Andrew... you do realise what you are about to miss out on right?... Remind me to smack you in the head next we meet.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

check this out

found on the peta web site.... brutal, at least I shoot one shot and its over. no suffering. meat for my fam, use everything possible, give back what I take. Respect the animal.
Intresting web site but I think a lot of animal rights activists need to get their facts straight. Unfortunate but the blind lead the blind on a one track mind of opressing others on their beleifs. Me I keep to myself.

post for pic

ignore this



New and fresh

More time on my hands. It's off on hunting season and I'm planning to fill my whitetail and mule tag. Also coyotes will sucum to the savage. 125 grain's of pure death. Kent and possibly Andrew are coming down this weekend to hunt, new places to go in a new hunting vehicle. The possibilities are endless. Last weekend with Aron; we spotted, or almost ran over, a huge bull moose with 2 cows. It was the biggest set of antlers I have ever seen on a moose. There were pletty of grouse which I made a note of to go back for some dinner while camping. Now finished packing and all ready to go. If only work could run this smoothly, off today because of the rain