Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Trick or treat! what fun what fun. My first halloween with Roan (last year; his first year out, I missed due to work on the rigs) It was great until he mowed down on the chocolate and then pure hysteria set in. In its up swing there was crying, as he despritly wanted candy and over abundant energy. Then on the down swing, more crying and lethargy.... again with the crying. Gage and Blythe kept up with the other kids we went with (approx. 30 in all). We raided and pillaged houses for all they had. It was hard to keep track of all the kids running at various speeds. We may have lost a few... but mine are acounted for and really... its all about me anyhow.
Nothing broken or stolen from my house... as of yet, the night is still young. A few nights ago kids decided to use our lot as a hiding place from the cops as they were throwing rocks at the police station from just behind my house...


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