Thursday, November 09, 2006

on the hunt

well mule deer season has come and gone... with my tag still untouched. only till mid november to fill my whitetail. It hasn't helped that I've had to work on the weekends in October. Looking back I've had a great time but still look forward to going out a few more times. Seeing now that bow hunters will add 30 days to their whitetail hunting season and Mule deer 25 days. I'm now seriously considering buying a bow for hunting deer. When all of the chances of shots or seeing deer are less than 30 yards it makes sense. Less equipment, more 'hunting' and not simply spot and shoot as with rifles. I have already determind that I will not touch a compound bow for hunting as I'll reserve all the fancy technology for my rifles. I want to go old school, something with traditional build, like a longbow or recurve or a new one I've stumbled across, a welsh short bow. Draw weight to 50 pounds... perfect for close range deer hunting. I have emailed the guy who makes them in the states as to what the specifications are. If I can order one I will in a heart beat as they are under 100 bucks US... far cheaper than another gun and something for me to rekindle my competitive recurve shooting days. It may take a few months to get but I have the rest of the year to practice before next years hunt.


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