Monday, December 18, 2006


Well, now to start siding my parent in laws home. It will take a bit, take a while off at Christmas, then look for a real jobs again. I need to get my passport in order and sent away, so kelowna tomorrow again, as today it was moved around a few times and then the actual office was closed. Oh, well, I found out that the trip to Prague actually more or less depends on our schedule, so that makes it easier. So if we could hold off till march or so that gives us time to make a bit of spending money and plan our itinerary a little more. 4 nights in Prague with a day trip out to the actual brewery that's sending us there. I cannot wait. This is going to be wicked. So naturally I picked up the lonely planet guide to Prague which should give us some good tips and places to see. Also I looked up the good translation page on the web for English to Czech slang ( the words they for some reason don't put into the dictionaries, curious). Earl if you read this I need some good places you spoke of to eat, listen to music and general good fun (cheap). There is some good Internet cafes over there so I'm hoping to email and send pics/ updates on the blog on as to whats going on over there. So Mark we'll have to plan on when we go and update you so you can fly from London over for some fun. Kent... how far are the swedes from there? But back to reality... to pay my mortgage... somehow.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What trip to Prague? What brewery? I don't know what you're talking about but it sounds awesome. I'll think of some good stuff before you go. Memory from that period is a bit hazy.

10:14 p.m.  

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