Sunday, November 19, 2006

Hockey dinner

Had the annual minor hockey league fundraiser dinner last night. It was ok, mostly a result of alcohol consumed. Mostly its an exuse for those to get out of the house. Whats wrong with drinkin at home? My bro leaves for the great white north in hope of large ammounts of money to be made on the rigs. I cant say I don't blame him, but I don't wish it on anyone. The work isn't unbearable, I did it for a year, but the lifestyle is hard and to be away from those you love (I missed the first year of my sons life) just for money doesn't always make sense. But to afford to live a decent life in this consumeristic world, there has to be a kick start and some sacrifices. Good luck Ryan, and dont die.
In other trivial maters of my life deer season is over (at least for me) and coyotes need to start hiding, or only live for a short while longer. I was buying a predator magazine from chapters today, as I like ot read about the sport I enjoy. The girl at the counter was almost in tears I think as to why I was buying the magazine. "they look so cute! he looks like he would eat out of your hand" I feel for people like this who hide behind ignorance. They blind themselves to truth or make their own up; like wild animals should eat peanut butter from a humans hand. I ask, how have people become so stupid and out of touch with nature? Do people never set foot off the road or off the beaten path anymore? They see wild life from the confines of their cars and wildlife viewing sites. They see so limitedly that they actually believe species like the black bear are extict.... please do some research of your own and go out into the bush for a while. You will see that there are more than enough black bear. And even if i shot over a 100 coyotes a year it still would make only a small dent in the population. Maybe then they wouldn't have to come into town to attack pets, livestock and the like or maybe our deer herds will improve, not just in numbers but in heath as well. I always say never to underestimate the stupidity of humans. But sometimes it frightens me.
Apparently I'm not alowed to buy another gun, this saddens me, as I would like to purchase so many more. I know this is probably for my own good due to my limited funds. I was at least looking for some affordable options. Either a NEF ultralight or a stevens 200 in .223. Or even talking to rich as usual to find a decent used rifle. But then there is always the annual gun show in kamloops again in the spring. So new thoughts of putting even 20 bucks away per check I should have more than enought o buy what I want then... or a crate of sks's.....hmmmm.
Well for this year the .17HMR will have to do and shots taken close and careful.
Here's a pic of a wolf I tracked down last year... no guns this time just armed with my camera and quick wit... Not to sure where his friends were. hehe


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