Thursday, November 23, 2006

random hunting and stuff

WEll i was going to blog about something completely diferent tonight but instead I happened upon a few pics of ... well some recent and a few last years, pics of nature. So I thought I would pass along to anyone who enjoys the outdoors as much as myself some pictures of some excursions that I have been on. The deer happened to be in princeton (go figure, this is where to hunt i think... downtown). Why!? cruel! anyway the ram was taken with a bit of zoom... i really didn't what to get that close as he had a few scuffs of hooves and was intent on charging if I had gotten any closer. Maybe next time I'll aply for my draw. The sunset was after a glorious hunt (even though nothing had actually been tagged. The 2 snow covered mountains, one is in Jasper and the other I believe is where I took of after the before mentioned and photographer wolf. I have many more but not enough room on this blog to post. I feel I see more wildlife when I'm not out hunting... why is this!?


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