Thursday, January 25, 2007

when is spring going to get here!?

I cannot wait! it is so cold in the mornings outside working again. Not that i usually mind but this time I was wet right from the get go. Will spring ever arrive and how soon? I would really like to go fishing again this year. This time I have a truck to take to go anywhere I want! so excited and both Gage and Blythe are stoked as well. Here's the fish i caught at garnet valley dam last year... nice brook trout. John I won't be able to go on the bear hunt but I should still be able to go to the gun show. I won't have any money as usual, so no guns for me. I beleive it's on the 22nd of April, so anyone else that wants to come your more than welcome to join the fun! I think kent, sebass and joel are going... and karley you better come! we'll all bring one guns to have a blast..hehe.. at the range up there. Hope fully Geoff you're off work to go as well. We really do need to buy a crate of sks's one of these years.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Brewing! so soon... so good...

1st: hmmmmm.... what exactly are we making here?
2nd: grind away Ed, wow, these things were solid!
3rd: how many friggin grinding discs did we go through?
Well, this is the start of the combined Sebass, Joel and Owen Brew Co., we will have to of course come up with a better name, but we'll leave that till when we have to market the liquid gold. For now we'll take suggestions if anyone so desires to leave any on one of our blogs or whatever.
First up on the menu will be a pilsner, brewing small batches of 20 litres at a time so as not to waste as much if we really make an abomination. Then I'm hoping to convince everyone we need to make a decent Pale Ale. the sky's the limit now and we'll never have to spend hard earned money on beer anymore, as most of the ingredients are a reasonable price. With a few more things to construct, our screen for the mash, kettle element, etc, we need some hops, then... yes indeed its time to BREW!!! Now I also have to get a few extra 40 litre buckets to ferment a few batches at once... in theory we could be brewing as much as we want ... time depending of course. 40 L per batch... 6 containers.... 240 L... hmmmm... yes thats a lot of beer to drink within one month so we'll definately neede some help from all of you! Ha thats 727 bottles of beer!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

stupid fog light drivers

Well, I've done it... or at least started it. I've grown tired and annoyed of all the drivers on the highways and by roads driving with their fog lamps on when there is never any fog... so I thought to myself , well, hey... my truck is twice as high as any of these stupid little cars... so why not add some to mine and drive with them on ALL the time! So thats what I did. except for now its just one set which I will move down below each of the headlights when I add the new bumper. And then a bull nose to add 3 120watt off road baja lights to (instead of the usually 55 watt ...hehehe). Of course this is only the begining, I plan eventually to get a roll bar across the back to add at least 4 more baja lights onto as well as the utility lights facing backwards to blind those pesky rear high beamers. Along with the to back up lights on the rear bumper.... to aid backing up of course... not that I'm overly concerned of what I run over. So to all of you who drive with fog lights on anytime... be prepared for daylight.... Hahahaha... shut up I'm still laughing... Hahahaha.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Na zdravi

Cheers! Trying to learn useful Czech words and phrases before I enter a world where beautiful people don't speak a lick of French... what a relief. I have found a few that will most certainly come in handy on our endevours.... now to commit some to memory. Z ceho jsem obzalovan? (or what am I accused of?) is a good one, followed by Ja jsem to neudellal (I didn't do it). and of course Da se to zaplacenim pukuty? Is there a fine we can pay to clear all of this?
Chtel bych jit na hrbitov... now its not as bad as it sounds it means I'd like to go to the cemetery. And i need to learn this one for the plane ride... tyto drogy jsou na osobni pouziti... This drug is for personal use. An I have got to use this one over and over again pretemding I dont know what I'm saying... Myslim, ze jsem tehotna.... (I think I'm pregnant). There will be many more commited to memory, and of course in my mind all are useful, but will never get me anywhere. That is why i'm relying 100% on the western worlds culture spreading like an infections disease that it is and people speaking english over there so that I can at least scrape by in the social scene... or maybe I'm just hooped when it will come to communication.... hand gestures... body language... all over it.

Monday, January 15, 2007


Uncle sam wants you!.... well thats what it reminds me of. I suppose the draft has been around for a long enough time now... enough for clear headed citizens to dodge it. In other news.. I'm still working but it turns out that my foreman did pass away. So I'm not sure where that leaves me other than putting in my 8 a day till I need to move on again. There are so many things i'm thinking about and thoughts that are runnigthrough my head, yet I still can't think of anything to put on this stupid blog. I'm usually so bored i think of tons of stupid things, but... I think the grey matter is shrinking... shrinking... (my brain you perverts)...
How can I miss you if you wont go away?

Saturday, January 13, 2007

whats goin on!?

Well, now that I have a new job, worked for 2 weeks, mostly cleaning, back filling and a bit of truss work; the rumour has it that my boss passed away... so meeting monday morning to see what the hell is going on. And if he did pass away, what that means to us... whether I still have a job, does everyone move up? Will they need more help? Ryan Joel, this may be your opportunity so try and keep monday free. Seb I forgot its Blythe's Bday on Sunday, 2:00 I have to go to the bowling alley, but maybe later I can help out in the keg reconstruction to brewery standards with you guys.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Work work work

Well, onto another job. To start, just backfilling, cleaning up, gophering, stacking wood for a couple of weeks. monday maybe framing, trusse work and sheeting. Can't tell wether this job is going to last very long or not.... seems iffy. On the other hand if after a couple of weeks everything works out then I start my journeyman carpentry apprenticeship. But as with every other job.... I don't trust anyone and nothing that they tell me will happen unless I make it happen. For now I'm happy even with a few months of labour to keep busy and make at least some coin. if nothing works out then onto something else. so no real expectations but it would be cool to actually start even complete an apprenticeship so I can once again start my own company. Stills stoked on going to prague in march. This is going to be wicked!