Sunday, January 21, 2007

stupid fog light drivers

Well, I've done it... or at least started it. I've grown tired and annoyed of all the drivers on the highways and by roads driving with their fog lamps on when there is never any fog... so I thought to myself , well, hey... my truck is twice as high as any of these stupid little cars... so why not add some to mine and drive with them on ALL the time! So thats what I did. except for now its just one set which I will move down below each of the headlights when I add the new bumper. And then a bull nose to add 3 120watt off road baja lights to (instead of the usually 55 watt ...hehehe). Of course this is only the begining, I plan eventually to get a roll bar across the back to add at least 4 more baja lights onto as well as the utility lights facing backwards to blind those pesky rear high beamers. Along with the to back up lights on the rear bumper.... to aid backing up of course... not that I'm overly concerned of what I run over. So to all of you who drive with fog lights on anytime... be prepared for daylight.... Hahahaha... shut up I'm still laughing... Hahahaha.


Blogger Deaf Neighbours said...

sweeeeeeeeeet........while you're at it, why don't you throw on a couple of flare-launchers so you can see where you'll be going a km away?? well, i think its a good idea

10:10 a.m.  
Blogger Savage said...

hahaahah flare luanchers! hahahaha... with some oil slick and caltrops as well that dispence with toggle switches on the hidden dash board... hey, this is going to be so much cooler than I originally thought

5:01 p.m.  

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