Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Na zdravi

Cheers! Trying to learn useful Czech words and phrases before I enter a world where beautiful people don't speak a lick of French... what a relief. I have found a few that will most certainly come in handy on our endevours.... now to commit some to memory. Z ceho jsem obzalovan? (or what am I accused of?) is a good one, followed by Ja jsem to neudellal (I didn't do it). and of course Da se to zaplacenim pukuty? Is there a fine we can pay to clear all of this?
Chtel bych jit na hrbitov... now its not as bad as it sounds it means I'd like to go to the cemetery. And i need to learn this one for the plane ride... tyto drogy jsou na osobni pouziti... This drug is for personal use. An I have got to use this one over and over again pretemding I dont know what I'm saying... Myslim, ze jsem tehotna.... (I think I'm pregnant). There will be many more commited to memory, and of course in my mind all are useful, but will never get me anywhere. That is why i'm relying 100% on the western worlds culture spreading like an infections disease that it is and people speaking english over there so that I can at least scrape by in the social scene... or maybe I'm just hooped when it will come to communication.... hand gestures... body language... all over it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, love it. Good phrases, I especially like the pregnant one, that one's a keeper for sure. Anyway, thanks for the advice on me bloggy. I appreciate it, always makes me laugh and I am sure there is some sencerity in there for me. Advice taken! Will do.

We'll rock out on guitar when I get back .... via web of course.

1:22 p.m.  

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