Monday, February 05, 2007

Canada passport office

Well, today I had the misfourtune of being at home and having once again no work to be engaged in. Our site is closed down for the time being to wait for better weather so that they can dig new holes for the forms built and general house building can then be done. So until then, I either look for a new job that passes the time away or I call and wait it out till spring. So in my boredom I decided it was high time I got on the trail of my still missing passport, which was due in my hands byno later than the 26th of January. I started to call the government passport office at 8:00 AM pacific standard time and continued every 30 seconds until finally I got through to something other than a busy tone. An automated can I help you service came through! Wow, I must say that I'm impressed. At 11:28 I was finally prompted to a waiting line by numerous keypad navigational guides and prompts from my wonderfully automated passport people. At 11:30 I was told I was 24th in line to hear a person on the other end of the phone to assist me in my question. 11:31 noted 22 people ahead of me, 11:33 -20 persons ahead, 11:34 -19 persons, 11:41 -18, 11:43 -17, 11:45 -15, 11:46 -14, 11:49 -13, 11:50 -11, 11:51 -10, 11:52 -9, 11:53 -8, 11:54 -7, 11:55 -6, 11:55.5 -4, 11:57 -3, 11:58 -2, 11:59 - 1! 12:00 In.... your call will be answered next... the suspense is killing me.... 12:01 phone ringing!.... click... tranfered.... ringing.... 12:02... ringing.... 12:03 ringing... 12:04 ringing... and then dail tone... %&^%$#%$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!?
So they dropped my call and i started the same process over agian. At least this time it didn't take me 3 1/2 hours of trying to get through and then another 1/2 hour to get hung up on. by 12:20 I was already through as I picked up the pace and called every 3 seconds. 24 people in line after about 5 minutes of punching keypad buttons to navigate to where I needed to be. Same process as before... 12:42 Ringing... A person! hahahaha. Oh, whats that my passport is still in process!? i thought I was supposed to have it a week ago? Oh, you'll stamp it urgent? i thought I already did that. Call back in a few days? Oh, ok... but what if I have to work that day and can't afford the 5 hours of agony that it took just to get through to someone? So I guess the lady said it would be processed within the week and should be mailed express post... so mid februaury I should finally see it. And then get the number so as to book our flight and get our dates in order to go to prague.
I'm not so sure I want to get all my hopes and dreams up about this whole thing.... bvut it would definately be nice to see that this actually helped and that I will really get my passport in 2 weeks...


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