Wednesday, February 28, 2007

landscaping ... more digging

Well, my time at Brent view estates has come to an end. My last day is on friday and I start working for monkey puzzle landscaping. My bro and I will work together for the first month or 2 and then we'll split to each run our own crew... back at it I suppose. So hopefully this will lead me to where I need to be. ie... money is tight as a overlooked and unnoticed statement that I failed ot make 2 mortage payments... hmmm..... funny they never mention anything till they send a collection agent after my money. which of course is none-existant. So I'll simply pull it out of the air for them. this isn't good timing as now I have absolutely no money to got to prague... at least the flight and hotel are free, I just wonder what I'm going to eat.... time to start fasting I suppose. I often wonder sometimes if that God's calling to fast when I run out of food at the house... I mean it wouldn't be that hard to take a deer or something in the meen time, but.... anway.... so to add to all of this I've been trying to save money in gas to work by driving my car... of course toyota has got to have the worst tires in the universe... I'd choose the walmart specials over them, I end up getting a nail int the tire and not finding out till close to summerland.... it was windy out so I just assumed that the reason the car pulled to one side was because of the wind and not a flat. So now to see if the rim is ruined as well and to buy new tires. Ironically if it had been a crappy car I probably would have noticed right away. The way the suspension and the feel of the ever smooth ride makes it ever so decieving. If you own an new car or are planning on getting one... my advice... get rid of it or dont get one. I hate them.... why was I talked into getting one I don't know... but my warranty is now void as I failed to get the oil changed on the exact date it was supposed to .... there goes 1500 for nothing. I cannot wait till I can afford to get rid of it and buy a normal peice of crap again. Again if I don't have the cash to pay for a new vehicle straight up then i will never again get another one. Unless of course you want to just throw your money in the garbage... if so... then save yourself the trouble and just give it to me instead.


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